Massage Therapy Intake Form

Required Field

The information request below will assist us in treating you safely. Feel free to ask any questions about the information being requested. Please note that all information provided below will be kept confidential unless allowed or required by law. Your written permission will be required to release any information.

Personal Info
Contact Info
Emergency Contact
Additional Information
Characters: 0/255
Characters: 0/255
Characters: 0/255
Muscle / Joint
Head / Neck
Characters: 0/255
Other Conditions
Characters: 0/255
Characters: 0/255
Characters: 0/255

Please ensure you read the following information in its entirety.

I have read the above information and have stated all my previous and current medical conditions. I will update the Registered Massage Therapist regarding any updates in my condition as soon as possible.

In order to provide treatment, this clinic must collect personal health information. I understand that all information that I provide will be kept confidential unless allowed or required by law. I understand that I will be asked for written authorization before this information can be released.

I understand the 24 hour cancellation policy and agree to pay the missed appointment fee if I cancel within the 24 hour period preceding my appointment time. I understand that I am responsible to pay for the time reserved with the Massage Therapist; regardless of the time I arrive and am ready for my appointment. I understand that this time will include intake, assessment, treatment, self-care recommendations, charting and administration. I understand that payment in full is due on the day of treatment.

Review & Agree