Book Appointment

New address is : 2130 W Mountain View Ave, Longmont, CO 80501
The office phone is a cell phone now, which means you can text as well as leave a message. Please remember to identify yourself when you call or text, Thx

Chiropractic visit which may include some of the following.

Chiropractic manipulation

$65 30 mins

Chiropractic manipulation

$120 60 mins

Cranio-sacral therapy

$65 30 mins

Cranio-sacral therapy

$120 60 mins

New Patient

$130 60 mins

Nutritional Evaluation and Recommendations

Dietary study and recommendations

$125 60 mins

Laboratory testing

$65 30 mins

Follow up on nutritional or dietary recommendations

$65 30 mins



$65 30 mins


$120 60 mins